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Stroller Toys: Essential or Extra?

Stroller Toys: Fun on the Go or Unnecessary Extras?

Stroller toys can be attractive additions to your outings with your baby. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, promising to entertain your little one during walks, errands, or commutes. But are stroller toys really necessary?

This article will explore the pros and cons of stroller toys, helping you decide if they’re a good fit for you and your baby.

We will also cover:

Pros of Stroller Toys

Stroller toys can offer some advantages for both babies and caregivers. Here are some potential benefits:

  • Visual stimulation: Stroller toys with bright colors, patterns, and textures can capture your baby’s attention and keep them entertained.
  • Entertainment during errands: Stroller toys can help distract your baby during long walks or outings, reducing fussiness.
  • Development of motor skills: Grasping, reaching for, and manipulating stroller toys can help babies develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  • Sensory stimulation: Many stroller toys incorporate different textures, sounds, and crinkly materials, which can provide sensory stimulation for babies.

Cons of Stroller Toys

While stroller toys can have some benefits, there are also downsides to consider. Here are some potential drawbacks:


Too much stimulation from bright colors, flashing lights, or sounds can overwhelm some babies.

Distraction from surroundings:

Stroller toys can distract babies from observing their surroundings and interacting with the world around them.

Short attention span:

Babies may quickly lose interest in a stroller toy, especially as they get older.

Cost: Stroller toys can be an additional expense, and some may not hold up well with everyday use.

Stroller Toys: Essential or Extra?

Types of Stroller Toys

There’s a wide variety of stroller toys available, each with its own features and benefits. Here’s a look at some common types:

  • Mobile hanging toys: These colorful toys dangle from the stroller hood and can be visually stimulating for young babies.
  • Crinkle toys: These soft toys make crinkling sounds when squeezed, which can be both entertaining and stimulating for babies.
  • Teethers: Attaching a teether to the stroller can provide relief for teething babies and keep them occupied while on the go.
  • Board books: Soft fabric books specifically designed for strollers can introduce babies to books and reading in a safe and engaging way.

Safety First with Stroller Toys

When choosing a stroller toy, safety is always the top priority. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the toy is securely attached to the stroller. Loose toys can become choking hazards if they detach.
  • Choose toys age-appropriate for your baby. Avoid toys with small parts or sharp edges that could be dangerous for young babies.
  • Inspect toys regularly for wear and tear. Discard any stroller toys that are broken, frayed, or have loose parts.

Alternatives to Stroller Toys

There are many ways to entertain your baby during stroller rides without using toys. Here are some ideas:

  • Talk and sing to your baby. Narrate your surroundings, point out interesting things, and sing songs to keep your baby engaged.
  • Bring along familiar objects. A favorite blanket, a soft toy, or a crinkly piece of fabric from home can provide comfort and entertainment for your baby.
  • Change up your scenery. Take different routes on your walks to expose your baby to new sights and sounds.

It can be a fun way to entertain your baby during outings. However, they are not essential. Consider your baby’s temperament, your budget, and the potential benefits and drawbacks before deciding if they are right for you. There are many other ways to keep your baby happy and engaged during walks and errands.

Remember, the most important thing is to create a safe and loving environment for your baby as you explore the world together.

Engaging Your Baby on the Go

Whether you decide to use it or not, there are many ways to keep your baby entertained during outings. Here are some ideas that focus on interaction and engagement:

  • Narrate your surroundings: Talk to your baby about what you see on your walks. Point out trees, flowers, dogs, or people. Describe the sights and sounds around you.
  • Sing songs and play games: Play peek-a-boo with a blanket or sing familiar nursery rhymes. Play simple games like “This Little Piggy” or pat-a-cake.
  • Take different routes: Explore new places on your walks. This will expose your baby to new sights and sounds, keeping them curious and engaged.

Keeping it Simple: Developmental Play on the Go

Here are some additional tips for keeping your baby entertained during walks and errands, with a focus on development and interaction:

  • Let your baby explore the world. When it’s safe and appropriate, allow your baby to reach out and touch safe objects like leaves, flowers, or park benches. This sensory exploration is important for learning and development.
  • Engage with other people. If you see friendly people on your walks, strike up a conversation and introduce your baby. This social interaction can be stimulating for both you and your little one.
  • Bring along age-appropriate snacks. For older babies, packing healthy snacks like puffs or Cheerios can provide them with something to munch on and help keep them occupied.


It can be a fun distraction for some babies during outings. However, they are not essential. Consider your baby’s temperament, your budget, and the potential benefits and drawbacks before deciding if they are right for you. There are many other ways to keep your baby happy and engaged during walks and errands.

By talking and singing to your baby, exploring new places, and providing opportunities for safe interaction with the world around them, you can create a positive and stimulating experience for both of you.

Here are some additional ideas:

  • Pack a small mirror. Safe for older babies, a mirror can provide a new source of fascination and entertainment.
  • Blow bubbles. This can be a fun and engaging activity for both you and your baby.
  • Play peek-a-boo with a diaper or blanket. This simple game can elicit giggles and delight.

Remember, the most important thing is to create a safe and loving environment for your baby as you explore the world together. There’s a whole world of discovery waiting to be unveiled, and you and your baby are a perfect team to explore it!