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Steps to Success: Walking Toys for Babies

Are Walking Toys Good for Babies?

Walking toys, also known as push toys or walkers, can be tempting for parents. They promise to help babies learn to walk faster and offer entertainment. However, research suggests these toys may not be the best choice for overall development. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of walking toys to help you decide if they’re right for your baby.

Potential Benefits of Walking Toys

Encouragement to Move:

Walking toys can encourage babies to take steps by providing support and stability. This can be especially appealing to babies who are eager to explore their surroundings.


Walking toys can keep babies entertained with lights, sounds, and activities. This can be a helpful distraction for short periods.

Potential Drawbacks of Walking Toys

  • Delayed Walking: Studies have shown that babies who use walkers tend to walk later than those who don’t. This may be because walkers bypass the natural stages of development, like pulling up and cruising furniture.
  • Muscle Weakness: Walking toys can weaken leg muscles by supporting too much of the baby’s weight. Strong leg muscles are essential for independent walking.
  • Safety Concerns: Babies in walkers can move faster than they can safely control themselves. This can lead to falls and injuries, especially around stairs or uneven surfaces.
  • Limited Learning: Walkers prevent babies from feeling the floor beneath them and experiencing the natural sensations that help them learn to balance and walk.

Steps to Success: Walking Toys for Babies

Alternatives to Walking Toys

There are many ways to encourage safe walking development that are more beneficial than walkers. Here are a few ideas:

  • Tummy Time: Tummy time strengthens neck and back muscles, which are essential for walking.
  • Barefoot Walking: Walking barefoot on safe surfaces allows babies to feel the ground and improve their balance.
  • Push Toys: Stationary push toys that require babies to walk behind them can promote independent walking.
  • Cruising: Encourage cruising along furniture to help babies develop balance and coordination.

Safety Tips for Using Walking Toys

If you choose to use a  toy, here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Limit Use: Restrict walker use to short periods and only on a smooth, flat surface.
  • Constant Supervision: Never leave a baby unattended in a walker.
  • Baby-proof your home: Remove any potential hazards that a baby in a walker could reach.

The decision of whether or not to use a walking toy is up to you. However, it’s important to weigh the potential drawbacks against the limited benefits. There are many safer and more effective ways to encourage your baby’s natural walking development.

Focus on creating a safe and stimulating environment that allows your baby to explore and learn at their own pace.

When Will My Baby Start Walking?

Every baby develops at their own pace. Most babies take their first steps between 9 and 18 months old. Some babies may walk earlier or later than this range. Here are some signs that your baby might be getting close to walking:

  • Pulling up to stand on furniture
  • Cruising along furniture
  • Picking up weight on their legs
  • Standing without support for a few seconds

It’s important not to compare your baby’s walking development to other babies. If you have concerns about your baby’s development, talk to their doctor.

Encouraging Safe Walking Development

There are many ways to create a safe and stimulating environment that encourages your baby to walk naturally. Here are some tips:

  • Provide plenty of floor time: This allows your baby to practice rolling, crawling, and reaching, which strengthens the muscles they’ll need for walking.
  • Use safe furniture for cruising: Make sure furniture is sturdy and won’t tip over if your baby pulls up on it.
  • Offer toys that encourage movement: Push toys, balls, and activity centers can motivate your baby to explore their surroundings.
  • Praise and encourage your baby’s efforts: Let your baby know you’re proud of them as they learn to walk.

Walking toys may seem like a helpful tool, but they can actually hinder your baby’s natural development. There are many safer and more effective ways to encourage your baby to walk. Focus on creating a safe and stimulating environment and allowing your baby to explore at their own pace.

By following these tips, you can help your baby reach the exciting milestone of walking safely and confidently.

The Science Behind Walking

Walking is a complex skill that involves coordinated muscle movements and sensory input. Babies develop these skills naturally through stages like rolling, crawling, and pulling up.

Here’s a look at the natural progression of walking development:

  • Muscle Strengthening: Tummy time and crawling help strengthen core, back, and leg muscles, which are essential for walking.
  • Balance and Coordination: Pulling up on furniture and cruising along objects help babies develop their sense of balance and coordination.
  • Weight-Bearing: As babies gain confidence, they begin putting more weight on their legs while standing or cruising.

This natural progression allows babies to develop the necessary strength, balance, and coordination for independent walking.

Exploring the World Through Movement

The process of learning to walk is a fascinating journey for babies. It involves not just physical development but also exploration and discovery. Here’s a look at how movement supports a baby’s overall development:

  • Sensory Exploration: Crawling and reaching allow babies to explore their environment through touch. They feel different textures, shapes, and temperatures.
  • Cognitive Development: Reaching for objects and figuring out how to move around helps babies develop problem-solving skills and spatial awareness.
  • Confidence and Independence: Mastering new movements like pulling up and cruising builds babies’ confidence and a sense of independence.

By skipping these natural stages of development, walkers may limit a baby’s opportunities for sensory exploration, cognitive development, and building confidence through movement.

Making Informed Choices for Your Baby

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use a walking toy is up to you. This article has explored the potential benefits and drawbacks of walkers to help you make an informed decision.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Your baby’s temperament: Some babies are more cautious and may not enjoy the feeling of being unsupported in a walker.
  • Your home environment: If you have a small living space or uneven flooring, a walker may not be practical.

Remember, there is no single right answer. What works for one baby may not work for another. Trust your instincts and choose what you feel is best for your child’s development.